Monday, December 22, 2008

Our Uncle Tucker

This is our Uncle Tucker. He is the "In Charge" Bully at the Vet Clinic. He acts like he doesn't like us, but just try to get near one of us when he's in charge :) He is way cool. He barks and growls and can even balance on three legs when he pees. He used to be a show dog, but now he spends his time going on farm calls and protecting the clinic from burglars and cats. He is going to read us The Bullmastiff Manual when we get a little older. There are very important lessons to learn such as begging, counter surfing, slobber flinging, and whacking your human with a front paw if you're not getting what you want. Once we master the basics then we move on to the art of the six hour nap, preferably sprawled on our backs with our paws in the air on a leather sofa. We will also study eating things that we shouldn't and super noxious eye watering farts, which are far more advanced than the regular fart. Once we are adopted and our humans adore us beyond the bounds of rational behavior he will send us secret emails to complete our training. He has hinted that these will include but are not limited to: If I want it I will take it, If it is yours it will become mine, If you are having a dinner party I am the guest of honor, and I will take my half of your bed out of the middle! We love him.


  1. Chris, please advise as to how I obtain more information about adopting one of these beautiful pups. It is a great thing you are doing with them. Sue

  2. OMG....they are PERFECT!!! We have been searching endlessly since being approved for adoption. I even took the family to meet a possible adoption, fell in love with him, and he ended up showing some aggression so we couldn't adopt him. Please tell me how I can possibly get to adopt one of these gorgeous bullies. Dana Kaminer (Rescue of SC) has all of my information if you need it. Thanks! Michele

  3. And a happy and wonderful new year, too all of you, at the Vet!
